
Five Ways to Safeguard Your Home This Winter
As the temperatures drop and the days grow shorter, there’s a natural inclination to create a warm and cozy haven at home. Unfortunately, as we see increased use of heating equipment, candles and electrical items, we also see the number of home fires increase.
Here are five ways you can safeguard your home for the winter season.

Go Above and Beyond for a Safe Harvest
Modern farming often relies on data and equipment with GPS and auto-guidance systems. However, even with these modern conveniences, farm workers must remain vigilant. That’s because farming is considered one of the most dangerous jobs. Massive machinery is indispensable to farming, but the same impressive size, height and extensions make them particularly vulnerable to…

Be A Fam With A Plan
It’s not pleasant to think about worst-case scenarios, but a little planning can make a big difference if the worst happens. Follow these tips to avoid feeling helpless during a disaster. Before Communicate: Talk with your family about who to call, where to go and what to do if disaster strikes. Educate: Plan different strategies…

Surge Protection for $6 A Month
A power surge is an unexpected increase in voltage. Regardless of the cause, power surges can damage electronics in your home. Benton REA offers surge protection at your electric meter for only $6 a month. But first, let’s look at common causes of power surges and how you can protect your sensitive electronics. One of…

A Day on the Lines
Benton REA Line crews work hard day and night to keep the lights on Story and photos by David Herder As the Benton Rural Electric Association lineworkers arrive to their worksite on a late February morning, the poles they plan to raise are covered in snow. For the past week, foreman Chris Hill and his…

Irrigating Around Electricity
Know the Risks and How to Safe Safe Spring planting is around the corner. Whether you’re a large producer or backyard gardener, keeping safety in mind as you plant and irrigate can save your life. Know What’s Below Do you know where the overhead and underground utilities are on your property? The safest and simplest…

Understanding Power Surges and Blinks
Have you noticed your lights blink during a storm? Perhaps you’ve noticed a blinking microwave clock when you arrive home. When this happens, you’ve likely experienced a brief disruption to your electric service, which could result from a power surge or blink. While the symptoms of surges and blinks can appear similar, what’s happening behind…

Get familiar with Cyber Basics
At a time when we are more connected than ever, being “cyber smart” is of the utmost importance. This year has already seen more than a fair share of cyber attacks and breaches, including the high-profile attacks on the Colonial Pipeline and other critical infrastructure. Furthermore, cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated with more evolved…

2021 Kids’ Electrical Safety Poster Contest
Posters are due August 19 for this year’s Electrical Safety Poster Contest. All elementary-age children whose parents or guardians are Benton REA members with active electric accounts are eligible. Prizes will be distributed at the Benton REA Annual Meeting on September 18 in West Richland. The following prizes will be awarded for each age category:…

A Lot of Security for Less Than a Latte
PowerNET’s managed router service helps families and businesses manage their internet network For the cost of one large latte, have peace of mind about your home internet network. PowerNET’s managed router service helps families and businesses maximize their internet use while helping protect everyone connected for just $5 a month, regardless of your internet provider.…