Board of Trustees and District Map
Benton REA is governed by a board of nine Trustees who are responsible for setting policies, budgets and the overall strategic direction of the cooperative. Trustees are elected by the members of their respective district within the Benton REA service area and serve for a term of three years.
Trustees must be a residential member of Benton REA. A trustee may not hold any financial interest in selling electric energy or supplies to Benton REA. In addition, a trustee may not be an incumbent or candidate for any elected public office where salaries are paid.

Dan Plung
Dan Plung
Dan Plung grew up in New York City seven blocks from Yankee Stadium. He had the advantage of attending the original model for STEM education, the Bronx High School of Science, and then graduated from the City College of New York with a Bachelor of Arts in English. Dan attended graduate school at Idaho State University and decided the Pacific Northwest was home.
After earning his doctoral degree in English, Dan had a long career working at various government sites while also teaching at universities including Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Dan has also served the local community by sitting on the Columbia Industries board and on the Washington State Board of Education.
Author of several books on professional communication, Dan brings skills in optimizing processes, strategic planning and enhancement of governance to Benton REA’s Board of Trustees. He was driven to join the board because he shares Benton REA’s commitment of doing what we can to sustain and enhance the community and lifestyle we enjoy in Washington State.
Dan Plung
Contact Dan Plung - District 1 Trustee
Contact District 1 Trustee

Mike Freepons Vice President
Mike Freepons
Mike Freepons is a third-generation farmer who lives on the Roza north of Prosser where he grows concord grapes, wine grapes and apples. He bought the 160-acre farm in 1979, and the farm is less than one mile from where he grew up.
Remaining local throughout his youth, Mike went to Whitstran School and graduated from Prosser High School. Mike attended Washington State University and graduated in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science in agricultural education.
Mike enjoys fishing, hunting and teaching the younger generation about hunting. Mike has been a hunter education instructor for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Mike has served on the Benton REA Board of Trustees since 2006.
Contact Mike Freepons - District 2 Trustee
Contact District 2 Trustee

Bob EvansPresident
Bob Evans
Bob Evans brings a strong background in agriculture, engineering, administration and public service to the Benton REA board. He previously served on the Prosser School Board with three years’ experience as president. He was appointed to local planning boards in Colorado, Montana and Washington. He is active in several Lions Clubs and church activities.
Bob was raised on a ranch in western Colorado before getting his doctorate in agricultural engineering. He spent his career investigating means to improve profitability of various irrigated and dryland agricultural enterprises. Bob served as the Colorado State irrigation extension specialist for five years, worked for Washington State University for 20 years as a researcher at its Prosser center and then joined the USDA-Agricultural Research Service in Sidney, Montana, as an administrator and researcher for 12 years.
Bob retired in October 2012 and lives with his wife, Carrell, on a farm west of Benton City. Their three children all graduated from Prosser High School. He remains professionally active.
Bob was appointed to the Benton REA Board of Trustees to fill an unexpired term in May 2015.