Energy in Legislation
Benton REA remains active in the Washington State Legislature and the U.S. Congress, protecting and enhancing the benefits of the member-owners of our cooperative. Each year representatives of Benton REA attend rallies, hearings and also meet with state and congressional representatives to discuss the cooperative’s positions on various bills and issues.
Supporting Local Hydropower
The Benton REA Board of Trustees supports the continued operation of the four Lower Snake River dams for the many benefits they provide to our economy, environment and citizens. The four Lower Snake River dams provide carbon-free, renewable, reliable, low-cost electricity. Hydropower is an important component of a clean energy future. Benton REA opposes the removal or breaching of the four Lower Snake River dams and spending taxpayer money on a duplicative and unnecessary studies of such removal or breaching.
Members of our local Congressional delegation have declared the value of affordable, reliable hydropower to our Northwest economy and way of life. The Benton REA board unanimously approved a resolution to support the passage of H.R. 3144. Click on the links below to read the resolution and press release.
We encourage Benton REA members to contact your congressional delegation to express your support for hydropower and the four Lower Snake River dams.
Washington State Legislative Issues
Benton REA currently has three legislative priorities at the state level: Carbon Policy Principles, Local Control for Rural Co-ops and Rural Broadband. Learn more about Benton REA's position on these and other standing issues by clicking the button below.
Co-ops Vote
Be a voice for your co-op!
Benton REA is engaged in a national get-out-the-vote campaign called Co-ops Vote. We invite you to join us.
Co-ops Vote is a non-partisan project of American’s Electric Cooperatives designed to encourage co-op members to vote and support their co-ops and their community when they go to the polls. The Program does not endorse or recommend candidates for election.
Co-ops Vote was launched in 2016 to reverse a troubling trend: In the 2012 elections, voter turnout in rural areas declined by 18 percent – twice the voter drop-off seen nationally. More than 700 electric co-ops in 47 states responded by joining the Co-ops Vote program to increase voter engagement in the communities they serve, and it was a tremendous success. Rural voter turnout in 2016 increased by more than a half-million Americans. Together we grew our political influence and encouraged lawmakers to pay more attention to the issues affecting rural Americans. We need to harness this momentum and ensure that Co-ops Vote continues to thrive.
Visit to join and learn more. And by all means, make sure you are registered to vote and that you cast your ballot on Election Day – every Election Day.
Supporting the Columbia Generating Station
Benton REA, along with many other local utilities, support the continued operation of Columbia Generating Station, a carbon-free source of affordable electricity. Benton REA receives 10 percent of its wholesale electricity from nuclear energy produced at Energy Northwest’s Columbia Generating Station.
If you have any comments, questions or concerns about any of the positions held by Benton REA, please contact member services by calling 509-786-8265.