
Get familiar with Cyber Basics
At a time when we are more connected than ever, being “cyber smart” is of the utmost importance. This year has already seen more than a fair share of cyber attacks and breaches, including the high-profile attacks on the Colonial Pipeline and other critical infrastructure. Furthermore, cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated with more evolved…

A Lot of Security for Less Than a Latte
PowerNET’s managed router service helps families and businesses manage their internet network For the cost of one large latte, have peace of mind about your home internet network. PowerNET’s managed router service helps families and businesses maximize their internet use while helping protect everyone connected for just $5 a month, regardless of your internet provider.…

4 Ways to Stay Cyber-Secure
The internet can be dangerous and scary. We’ve seen the lists of ideas for better cybersecurity. The problem is, the tips aren’t helpful unless we act on them. We know we should use long passwords and change them regularly. But do we? Here are three reasons to encourage you to make yourself safer from cyber…

Can We Live Without the Internet Post COVID-19?
If we learned anything in 2020, it’s that every home in America needs reliable access to the internet. In 2020, 4 million fewer shoppers made purchases during the Black Friday weekend than in 2019, yet Cyber Monday online shopping rose 15%, according to Adobe Analytics. With state and local orders to stay home, schools turning…