83rd Annual Membership Meeting Recap

Benton REA’s 83rd Annual Membership Meeting was scheduled for July. Unfortunately, like most events in 2020, the member appreciation meal, family activities, games and hot air balloon rides had to be canceled. However, Benton REA’s bylaws require an annual business meeting of members, so Benton REA staff improvised and took the meeting online October 21.
Board President Mike Freepons chaired the meeting with Vice President Connie Krull assisting with the trustee election. Prerecorded reports from Mike and Secretary/Treasurer Catherine Russell were presented along with a live report from General Manager Mike Bradshaw.
Members voted through an online platform to approve the Special Rules of Order and to adjourn the meeting. Mail-in voting for the trustee election concluded in July and was facilitated by Survey & Ballot Systems. Members in districts 4, 5 and 6 could drop off trustee election ballots at the Prosser office before the business meeting October 21. No ballots were received that day.
Results of the 2020 trustee election were presented during the virtual annual meeting. Trustees Ron Johnson of District 4 and Tim Grow of District 5 ran unopposed and will each serve another three-year term. Trustee Scott Fisher of District 6 was reelected for another three-year term in the race against Tina Randles.
Fifty-eight members preregistered for the meeting and 31 attended the live virtual event. A recording of the 24-minute meeting is posted at BentonREA.org/AnnualMeeting along with meeting resources and the answer to a member’s question asked during the meeting.
The board of trustees thanks the members for their flexibility and understanding after canceling the in-person meeting and community event. The board will discuss options for the 84th Annual Membership Meeting keeping in mind the safety of members and employees. Look to future issues of Ruralite for updates.
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