About Benton REA
Benton Rural Electric Association is a not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric cooperative. Founded in 1937, Benton REA currently serves more than 12,000 members in portions of Benton, Yakima and Lewis counties in Washington state.
Benton REA is organized into nine districts. Each district is represented by a Benton REA member elected by the members to serve on the Benton REA Board of Trustees for a term of three years.
Since we are a not-for-profit cooperative owned by our members, any margins above operating costs belong to our members. Those net margins are annually allocated to the members as ownership credits and returned to the members at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Benton REA Mission
Our mission at the Benton Rural Electric Association, a member-owned and operated cooperative, is to provide affordable and reliable energy and other member driven compatible services that enhance the quality of life for all our members. Our mission is also to provide a stable, safe, competitive career oriented work environment for the Association's employees. Our mission is pursued through the highest ethical standards using progressive marketing in conjunction with sound financial and management principles.

Benton REA Facts and Figures
As of 2024:
Benton REA Members | 12,323 |
Active Electric Accounts* | 16,458 |
Employees | 82 |
Miles of Line | 1,828 |
Density (Accounts per mile) | 8.88 |
Service Area | 620 square miles in Benton, Yakima and Lewis counties |
Substations | 19 |
2024 Peak Load | 142 MW |
2024 Average Load | 71 MW |
Residential Base | $23.00 |
Residential Rate | $.0799 cents per kWh |
2024 Sales | $48.2 million |
*Some members have multiple accounts
**Total kWh sales revenue divided by total kWh sold
A Nation-wide Network of Cooperatives
As a member of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Benton REA is one of more than 900 electric cooperatives in the United States, serving almost three-quarters of the nation’s landmass and 42 million members. To learn more about NRECA, visit www.electric.coop.
Benton REA is also a member of Touchstone Energy Cooperatives and proudly upholds the shared values of integrity, accountability, innovation, and commitment to the community. Benton REA is one of six Touchstone Energy electric cooperatives in the state of Washington.
Electric cooperatives were established to provide electricity to rural America, and now make up the largest electric utility network in the nation. Touchstone Energy is the national brand identity for that network. To learn more, visit www.TouchstoneEnergy.com.