Manager’s Message – November 2020, A Bright Future Thanks to Our Veterans and Youth

Monthly Manager's Message Header - Powerlines against a sunset

Dear Members,

I agree with the adage, “freedom is not free.”

Generations of American men and women risked, and gave their lives over the years serving in the U.S. military so that friends, family and complete strangers could remain free and safe. These amazing patriots gave up their time and energy, and postponed their personal dreams, in order to serve in our military forces. I want to personally thank the many Benton REA members who have served in our nation’s armed forces, as well as those Benton REA and PowerNET employees who chose to serve.

This year our local Veterans Day parades have been canceled or modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic. West Richland will celebrate with a virtual Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, November 7. Prosser plans to honor our veterans with a procession of veterans and community supporters led by the Smith-Runa VFW post.

Please don’t take our veterans for granted this year. Take the time to send them a card or call them to share your thanks for the price they paid for our freedom.

And, I can’t say enough about how much I appreciate and am thankful for our hardworking Benton REA employees who diligently perform their responsibilities inside and outside, every workday, to keep the power and internet services flowing to you, the Benton REA members.

I also want to express my thanks to you for the opportunity for Benton REA to be your electric energy and technology services provider during these trying times.

High School Scholarships

Fall is upon us. That means we’re accepting applications for the Benton REA 2020-2021 scholarships.

High school seniors should apply for Benton REA’s five Academic and two Trade and Technical scholarships. Applications are due by January 4. More information is available at

Thanks to our veterans and our youth, we have a bright future ahead!


Michael J. Bradshaw signature

Michael J. Bradshaw

General Manager

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