Estatutos de Benton REA

Los estatutos de Benton REA son un conjunto de reglas aprobadas por los miembros de la cooperativa. Los estatutos establecen la forma en la que Benton REA será operada.

Cada miembro de Benton REA reconoce que:

  • Every member is a vital and integral part of Benton REA
  • Benton REA's successful operation depends upon each member complying with the governing documents including: the articles, the membership application and record card signed by each member, the bylaws, the cooperative's policies, rate and price schedules and all rules, requirements, procedures, programs, determinations, resolutions or actions taken, adopted, promulgated or approved by the Board of Trustee
  • Members are united in an interdependent relationship

Los miembros pueden solicitar una copia impresa de los estatutos llamando al 509-786-8260.

Electric Lineworker and a co-op employee stand side by side